x. r@in drops .x, by Di@mond_Te@rs Subscribe to rss feed for Di@mond_Te@rs

      I feel the raindrops falling, roughly at my feet,
      Everything i've been through, everything i meet.
  I'm strong enough to deal with it, i'm strong enough to
       Anything thrown at me, any time or place.
 These raindrops used to bother me, upset me, make me cry,
But the rain is what will make me, me, until the day i die.
     Life is full of sadness, guilt and some mistakes, 
   But i'm strong enough to see, everything that it makes.
   Everything for a reason, to help me learn and do things
  These raindrops that keep falling, long into the night.
  If none of these things had happened, i wouldn't be who i
    And i'm happy being me, so i really don't give a dam!
  So raindrops 'you just keep falling!', Because i'll take
you on the chin,
  Because 'you only make me stronger' so that i can win.

Gracey x X x
Posted: 2006-01-27 09:29:31 UTC

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2006-02-04 23:06:35Crimson.Wings
really good poem.