Be patient with life, by Innocent until proven Guilty Subscribe to rss feed for Innocent until proven Guilty

Be patient with life, despite its cruelty.
Often it seems careless of our pain,
But just as often bring us hope again.

Remember, I wanted happiness for you.
Under every foolish word this still was true.
Be happy, then, without, as you would with you.
In your life many sweet events remain.
Not in anguish, but in joy remember me.

To my best friend Mercedes. Even though your going through
things life is to precious for that. Be patient.  -Ashlee
Posted: 2006-02-10 20:05:47 UTC

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2008-06-23 13:49:54ray!
Tell her a random person cares. That she agrees with you Ashlee...

2008-06-23 13:50:12ray!
Tell her a random person cares. That she agrees with you Ashlee...

2009-04-26 23:07:25CUTTS**AND_A_BROKEN_HEART
This is good..