Mandate of Love(2), by ~~~~GLOSTARG~~~~ Subscribe to rss feed for  ~~~~GLOSTARG~~~~

God's Love is Golden,
Here you will find,
The true Spirit of Love,
In his "Son"shine. 

Why is it so, why you might say?
I wont hesitate then, to tell you today.
A way was made, to travel this life,
To have the right road map, and avoid much strife.

A sacrifice was needed, atonement for sin,
God sent his beloved Son, to pardon and win.
The path was to Calvary, to spill Jesus' blood,
A clean, Holy sacrifice, God's way maker flood.

We have no excuse, we've heard and viewed His plan
God sent his Son, for mortal man.
Heaven awaits for all who will,
One foot in front of the other, toward Calvary's Hill.

No doubt, we shall falter along the way,
Even Satan, will cause us to sway, but, 
We have been blessed, and if only we'll pray.
The answers will find us within our day.

Hope, tempered with Patience, Love, Joy and a Will,
Should make our journey easier climbing Calvary's hill.
We have our instructions and mandate it seems,
If ever you loose it, read John Three Sixteen.

2006 © Glostarg/Gloria. All rights Reserved.

Posted: 2008-04-22 22:20:05 UTC

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2006-02-18 19:19:15 Kirsty (living in the light)
so true

2006-05-09 23:30:33Faith
I agree with Kirsty, it resounds with undeniable truth!