The Singer, by Julia Anne Subscribe to rss feed for Julia Anne

This singer’s name was Gabriel,

Everyone knew, few would tell

Her how horribly she sung.

She sounded like a dying cat who was coughing up a lung!

Gabriel’s voice grated on everyone’s nerves.

People said, “One day she’ll get what she deserves.”

For she slept around, and did other naughty things,

Such as drinking and smoking, and we all know what that 

One day she was singing as she walked,

When someone came out of an alley and began to stalk

Poor Gabriel. Suddenly he grabbed her and pulled her back

In to a dark alley, and he began to attack.

She had refused to sleep with him.

Now he was rapping her, and her future looked dim.

While he was on top of her, she began to plead,

For him not to commit a more evil deed.

But he wasn’t listening. So once he was done

He took out his knife and said, “It’s been fun!”

And with a smirk on his face and rage in his heart

He plunged in his knife. And once he killed her he said, 
“We must part.” 
Posted: 2008-12-04 01:09:07 UTC

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2008-12-07 07:32:19Simply-Me-20104
Ummm... wow... kind of morbid... but it gets the point across I guess. These things DO happen! And it's sad amd it's wrong and ppl need to take notice and do something about it!

2008-12-18 15:03:36Tyler Cedric Golden
! very interesting indeed which its true things like this happen and yet are left unnoticed.....i do like the structure and how you wrote it though....very nice.....

2008-12-19 06:42:52Chalan
Its a sad poem but a well written one. And it is true that these unfortunate and morbid things do happen in every day life. So Good Poem!!