The Unknown Cyclone, by Tyler Cedric Golden Subscribe to rss feed for Tyler Cedric Golden

As these thoughts spin and tear through my head,
I honestly prefer at this moment to be dead,
It feels like all of these thoughts are ripping and tearing
ever so sharply through my mind,
It seems like it has gone on for eternity, and yet it has
only been a short time,
I don’t understand why this is happening to me,
What did I do, I can’t understand a little much less
What is wrong I don’t know what to do?
I need some sort of hint or clue,
About what is happening in the essence of my life?
What did I do wrong now, I quit with the knife!
Why is it always such a difficult struggle or fight?!
I’m sick of this and as I grab my gun,
I now recognize my life has never been what you would call
I’m trapped and lost in life’s cyclone,
And because of this gun it looks like what is wrong will
always remain unknown!
Posted: 2009-02-26 17:06:54 UTC

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