I can see it, past your exterior view,
You try to hide it, but you have no clue,
That I can see it quite easily,
To others it is not even consider close, to being visibly,
You have done a good job hiding this hate,
But for me to find it, was my journey, and in the end our
You shown you kindness and you love, and the way you care,
But hidden deeply I had no idea until I stared,
Deep within the blackness and hatred of your hazel eyes,
Is like your eyes are telling me, die, die, DIE!
But I refuse to, for you is not the one in control,
You no longer even have an influence so move on to some one
else that you can grab a hold,
And torture them with your love and the way you are,
Because of your true side, with someone, you will never make
it too far.