This is a negative view, in which I see,
Impossible it appears; how can this be?
That my life is full of color and yours in black and white,
This is so terribly horrible, and definitely the opposite of
I asked to be forgiven, for the wrong I have made,
Evidently you haven’t, for seemingly there is a price you
have paid,
There is so much darkness and dullness… like you are an
empty vessel,
And yet empty you appear, but you are full of hate,
Destined to fire, chosen by birth, now occurring as your
You sit there as if you’re deeply meditating upon your
next move,
Either that or you’re just confused about what to do,
I notice, that you are rotten inside,
Your feelings you once had, have now died,
Are you one to be crucified?
To me you are just one soul,
Unforgiving, left with nothing but a whole,
A piercing whole in which consumed your optimism,
You made the wrong type of decision,
For now, to yourself, to this world, you are nothing at all
any more,
You are gone, deeply trapped in the abyss, of an unhappy,
lost, and Satan infested core.