They just keep coming and coming, being brought about
largely at a time,
Bombarding simultaneously preventing the shine,
Of optimism and happiness that flow through the air,
The essence of these things is no longer present, although
no one cares,
Because after one problems is fixed another takes its
It is a non-stop race,
That continuously to throw itself at my face,
I can’t escape this unforgivable labyrinth that makes you
believe you have a way out and stops you in the midst of
your glory towards victory and peace,
But no, it is a defeat,
Brought about over and over by the problems of an abnormal
But I am used to it this way,
I will just have to control, what sanity is left,
I can’t make any promises but I will do my best,
If I look up in the air and declare that’s them,
You can automatically understand I speak of my endless