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Hey I write when something affects me, these poems are personal to me but they are open to interpritation please read them and let me know what you think
Poem title Voter rating Comments
The Chib 1
Ode to Vonny
So you think your a man?
Questions and answers 3
Ever had a pain?
Hung up
How am I?
Suicide note 94
On the run
The fool I am
Who am I?
If I knew
My friend 1
Get off your cross 6
10 years 2
When I am king 92
The odds
Dad 2
Mum 2
Hangovers 1
The thin white line 1
In the darkness 1
On the floor 6.51
Education sucks
Because of you
Answer me 3
Thanks Dad
Anything 1
Paradise over
The Journey 2
Betrayal 1
What does sorry mean? 1
What will be come of subtlety? 9
So long
Captain Toaster and The Dancing Waffles of Doom 3
Art Saves 81